Monday, October 13, 2008

Thanksgiving in Mexico

This past weekend was thanksgiving for us Canadian folk, so a group of us got together to celebrate. Getting a turkey down here is a bit difficult so I cooked up a good chicken- i've learned that anything tastes good soaked in oregano, garlic and chicken broth! The oven we used took forever to cook, no joke, three hours, but we weren't about to risk salmonella, and it turned out amazing! After a couple accidents and a broken plate, we were ready to eat at about 11:30pm...which is rather common for Mexico! I was impressed with everyone's dishes, mashed potatoes, vegetables, dinner rolls, and homemade pumpkin pie! It was delicious and made us feel at home. You honestly forget a lot about common foods when you are used to eating tacos everyday. Sunday night we had thanksgiving from my friend Natasha's perspective: curry chicken and rice. It was incredibly good and I'm stoked about the leftovers in my fridge. We celebrated with the french roommates as well, i think there were 9 of us. Good dinner and good dessert. This whole past weekend was filled with eating, and it was awesome. We also did some pumpkin carving, i'm a little rusty...and went to a Starbucks tasting class on saturday morning. (so cool if youre a coffee fanatic). I am looking for some new books to read and went out to find some at a book fair this past weekend downtown, but i'm not ready to front $25 for a paperback novel, just can't do it. I'll have to keep looking.

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